“I will never forget the way you looked at me and promised to cover me in slime if I ran into the forest with you toward the strange man. You looked like an angel.” -Saved Soul ♪♫     “There is a heart in the [REDACTED]. There is a pair of lungs in the [REDACTED]. There is a sheet of skin in the [REDACTED]. The [REDACTED] is so alive it’s intoxicating.” -Twitter User ♪♫     “I’m made of a thick, gooey, yet runny substance with a consistency somewhere between that of paint and custard. I wasn’t always like this. The TEETHMARKSHOME made me like this. I glow neon green in the precense of angels.” -Member #72 ♪♫     “They’re weird.” -Instagram user ♪♫     “THE [REDACTED] is an artist— no, wait, they’re a poet. They gather in the woods at night, which scares me a little. They are rather off-putting. They ruminate upon what went wrong and they do their best to fix it. Despite the cruelty of the world, THE [REDACTED] is a sanctuary. I am still scared of them. I am very scared of them.” -????? ♪♫     “I Love [REDACTED].” -Shirin ♪♫    
♥*♡∞:。.。 welcome to tchotchkes digital home*+:。.。

Let me tell you a little about myself ...
✿ My ponytail gets wet sometimes
✿ Im not perfect
✿ and i only think about one girls teeth

Webdesign is NOT my passion, Webdesign is a NEVERENDING STRUGGLE against an INVISIBLE FOE wich exclusively results in UNFULFILLING COMPROMISES

Last Updated:
You are Visitor #!! congratulations!!!

warning !

this website is under construction ! there's tons of unfinished bits and pieces around ... be careful ... !


nov 14 2023 11:42pm

i forgot how horrifically messy the code is
cleaned up the page a bit, finally fixed the scaling issues. seems like if I use my brain things happen faster

its been awhile..

nov 14 2023 11:42pm

Wow, I havent updated in awhile. I hope to change that.
Unfortunately my "Free Palestine" button became very relevant recently.
I stand by this obviously

Feed Dani!!!

apr 18 2023 4:20pm

Here is Dani, my wobble
please feed him so he doesnt starve or eat his own skin!
thank you very much

New Update

apr 17 2023 6:02pm

Ive created a "manifesto"
It can be accessed by clicking "Decentralization" on the right column!
Please read it and let me know what you think!


apr 7 2023 5:46pm

Hello, due to popular dfemand I have ranked fruits and here is my fruit ranking

It is low quality.


apr 4 2023 1:46am

this is sort of working :^) yippee
very very slow work but i work on it whenever i get the time


apr 4 2023 2:14am

text here text here somethings gonna go here eventually Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!

song Spotlight

"whimper" by 8485 and blackwinterwells

I hate
the way
It all just
looks the
same as it did before

feed dani-->

✿ Decentralization
✿ Spotlight Archive
✿ Magnets
✿ Teethviewer(dosnt work)
✿ Jerma says teethmarks
✿ corkboard layout
✿ cute notebook layout




Would you....




some improvements I want to make ...
✿ rainbow cursor particles
✿ cursor safety
✿ link stickers
✿ aew assets
✿ (secret teeth)
✿ come check back later if youre interested!


♪ some of these are clickable.. ♫

instageram   instagram tchotchke